- Passed the Patent Attorney Examination (2008)
- Sohn Kim International Patent & Law Firm
- Dana Patent Law Firm
- Representative Patent Attorney for Tim J Patent & Law Firm
- Affiliated Patent Attorney for Dong Jin International Patent & Law Firm
- Deputy for LG Inotech, Kumho Electronics, KAIST, and other prominent universities

- Passed the Patent Attorney Examination (2005)
- US Patent Agent/Evaluator of Corporate Technology
- Constant involvement in patent law
- Representative Patent Attorney for Xian Patent & Law Firm
- Affiliated Patent Attorney for Dong Jin International Patent & Law Firm
- Deputy for ETRI, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, and Samsung LED

- Graduated law school of Chungnam University
- IP Team of Law Firm Yeyul
- Professional Speaker at Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA)